Benefits of Becoming a Vendor at Blossom & Sol Culture and Natural Hair Festival

Vendors will have the ability to increase their sales, sample their products, advertise promotions, and build brand awareness to hundreds of festival-goers who are expected to attend the Blossom & Sol Culture and Natural Hair Festival. We will feature a wide variety of companies from every type of product and service categories. Vendors will be able to network amongst attendees and will be able to contribute samples of their products to our VIP/Media Influencer Swag Bags and/or giveaway to our Noir Sisterhood Evening Affair.

Download our MARKETING DECK HERE! Detailed information on demographics, stats, and ect., available.

Vendor Packet & Application HERE

In addition to vendors being recognized during the festival, partnering brands were also featured on national & local based websites such as Naturally Curly, various blogs, and many social media pages of the respective attendees.Visit our press page HERE.