Become apart of the 3rd Annual Blossom & Sol Natural Hair Festival !!!

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The success of the Blossom & Sol Natural Hair Festival is built on creating meaningful partnerships, relationships, and collaborations with respective brands and industry professionals. Brands, companies, and individuals that we partnered with for last two years of the festival had an increase in brand awareness, had the opportunity to advertise current promotions, were able to sample products, and build an extensive email list from those who were interested in their products and/or services.

In addition to sponsors being recognized during the festival, partnering brands were also featured on national & local based websites such as Naturally Curly, various blogs, and many social media pages of the respective attendees. Visit our press page HERE.

The number of ways that we can partner to come together to have an impactful event that will be pleasing to the brands, event organizers, and to the attendees are limitless.